
date written中文是什么意思

  • 写成日期



  • 例句与用法
  • All of your assignments are due on the dates written
  • This authorisation shall have effect until further noticed or until the expiry date written below ( whichever shall first occur )
    本授权书之有效期一直至另行通告或至下述期限日为止(以最早之日为准) 。
  • This authorization shall have effect until further notice or until the expiry date written below ( whichever shall first occur )
    本授权书将继续生效直至另行通知为止或直至下列到期日为止(以两者中最早的日期为准) 。
  • The designated director must not deal in any securities of the company without first notifying the chairman and receiving a dated written acknowledgement
  • The customer shall not draw post - dated cheques on any account and the bank shall have no liability to the customer if payment is made on such a cheque prior to the date written thereon
  • Article 15 after deciding to or not to accept an application , an accepting institution shall provide a dated written decision certificate with a seal for the exclusive use of administrative licensing
  • This agreement , entered into as of the date written above , constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of the supply agreement
  • Director must not deal in any securities of the company without first notifying in writing the chairman or a director ( other than himself ) designated by the board for the specific purpose and receiving a dated written acknowledgement
    董事于未书面通知主席(或董事会为此而指定的另一名董事(该董事本人以外的董事) )及接获注明日期的确认书之前,均不得买卖公司的任何证券。
  • A director must not deal in any securities of the company without first notifying in writing the chairman or a director ( other than himself ) designated by the board for the specific purpose and receiving a dated written acknowledgement
    董事于未书面通知主席(或董事会为此而指定的另一名董事(该董事本人以外的董事) )及接获注明日期的确认书之前,均不得买卖公司的任何证券。
  • In his own case , the chairman must first notify the board at a board meeting , or alternatively notify a director ( other than himself ) designated by the board for the purpose and receive a dated written acknowledgement before any such dealing
    主席若拟买卖公司的证券,必须在交易之前先在董事会会议上通知各董事,或通知董事会为此而指定的另一名董事(其本人以外的董事) ,并须接获注明日期的确认书后才能进行有关的买卖。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
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